It is about faith, but it is more than just about faith.
Lots of people believe in a higher power. That’s level 1 of the video game. Level 72 of the video game is trusting the higher power, and knowing that God isn’t going to give you anything you can’t handle, and also, that the tough stuff that we go through isn’t without purpose.
It’s all for a reason. I believe that God has a purpose for me now, but I couldn’t see it in the 2000s. The suicide attempts, the psych wards, at the time, I believed was unnecessary suffering. There is literally no such thing as unnecessary suffering. I went through all that, at the time I went through it, at the place I went through it, so that I could get the help that I was so desperately needed so that it would unlock my potential and I could go on to live a life that most people only dream of.
Jared Dillon
Formatting mine
You'll never be given anything you can't handle. And all the pain is for a purpose.
I don't think you can tell someone this. Infact, telling someone this is probably one of the most demeaning things you can do. And yet, I think it's true. But it's the sort of truth that must be revealed or discovered. To teach this truth would ruin it.
I have a hunch that healthy people, the kind of people you instantly feel safe around, believe this.
I used to think that "healthy" people had easy lives. Now I think they just knew something I didn't know.
You're never given something you can't handle. And all the pain you go through has a purpose.
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